What is a dental implant procedure?
This procedure is a team work between you and your dentist. Your dentist will ask you where and how to place the implant. Depending on your specific condition and the type of implant selected, your dentist will create a treatment plan that meets your needs.
Single tooth replacement:
If a single tooth is missing, an implant and a crown can replace it.
Replacing multiple teeth: If multiple teeth are missing, implant-supported bridges can correct them.
Replace all teeth: If all teeth are missing, the implant-supported full bridge or full denture can correct them.
Examination: If the patient’s general health is suitable for implant application, the dentist will decide on the type and length of implant to be used, depending on the condition of a particular radiograph and the condition of the teeth in the mouth. It is very important that the doctor who decides on the implant and prosthesis to be produced at this stage should decide, should he make the decision with an oral surgeon who has experience with the subject.
Operation: The surgery should be performed by maxillofacial surgery. The doctor performing the prosthesis should also attend the surgery and support the planned application. Depending on the number of implants to be used, the procedure can take between 30 and 90 minutes.
Healing phase: After implantation, a certain amount of time is required for the implants to integrate into the bone. This period is at least 3 months. During this time, if necessary, a temporary prosthesis can be attached to the patient. During the healing period, the doctor will periodically call the patient for the controls and, if necessary, request another X-ray.
Implant and abutments: After the specified healing time has passed and the implant’s periphery is completely filled with new bone, the superstructure is placed on the implant.
Prosthesis: The prosthesis to be produced is measured with the appropriate material.